Part of: School of Health Sciences

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Addressing the Care of the Cardiac Patient across the Life Span NURS3142 Module
Advanced Clinical Decision Making NURS4210 Module
Advanced Clinical Learning NURS3102 Module
Advanced Clinical Learning - Adult Field NURS4197 Module
Advanced Clinical Learning - Child Field NURS4199 Module
Advanced Clinical Learning - Learning Disability Field NURS4200 Module
Advanced Clinical Learning - Mental Health Field NURS4198 Module
Advanced Clinical Practice Portfolio Project NURS4180 Module
Advancing Practice Clinical Portfolio Project NURS4110 Module
Applied Human Factors in Healthcare Safety and Quality NURS4171 Module
Assessment and Formulation Skills in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy NURS4175 Module
Assessment and Management of Impaired Skin Integrity and Acute Wounds NURS3041 Module
Assessment and Management of Impaired Skin Integrity and Acute Wounds NURS4087 Module
Assessment and Management of Impaired Skin Integrity and Hard to Heal Wounds NURS4084 Module
Assessment and Management of Impaired Skin Integrity and Hard to Heal Wounds (Online) NURS3120 Module
Assessment and Management of Pain NURS3137 Module
Assessment and Management of Pain (online) NURS3121 Module
Assessment And Management Of Wounds In Healthcare Practice NURS3135 Module
Behavioural Theory and Clinical Interventions NURS4176 Module
Biosciences and Introduction to Pharmacology NURS2013 Module
Biosciences Applied to Nursing 1 NURS1017 Module
Biosciences Applied to Nursing 2 NURS1020 Module
Cancer Care NURS3140 Module
Cancer Therapies and Care (Level 3) NURS3075 Module
Cancer Therapies and Care (Level 4) NURS4097 Module
Child Field complex care assessment, planning, delivery and decision making for nursing practice. NURS4067 Module
Clinical Decision Making in Healthcare (online) NURS3122 Module
Clinical Decision Making in Practice NURS3138 Module
Clinical Learning 1 NURS1018 Module
Clinical Learning 2 NURS1021 Module
Clinical Learning 3 NURS2014 Module
Clinical Practice: Application of Learning NURS2017 Module
Co-Production of Care NURS4194 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Dissertation Project NURS4046 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for anxiety and related disorders NURSB74CB2 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for anxiety and related disorders NURS4055 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders and Depression 1 NURS4183 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders and Depression 2 NURS4184 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Long Term Conditions and Medically Unexplained Symptoms NURS4144 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Mental Health Nurses NURS3141 Module
Complex care assessment, planning, delivery and decision making for nursing practice NURS4064 Module
Complex Care Delivery NURS4196 Module
Contemporary Cancer Therapies and Care NURS4204 Module
Contemporary Cancer Therapies and Care NURS3127 Module
Contemporary Issues in Palliative and End of Life Care NURS3126 Module
Contemporary Issues in Palliative and End of Life Care NURS4205 Module
Contemporary Management in Diabetes Mellitus NURS4213 Module
Contemporary Management of Diabetes Mellitus (online) NURS3123 Module
Critical and High Dependency Care of Neonates, Infants and Children 2 NURS4081 Module
Critical and High Dependency Care of Neonates, Infants and Children 2 (Level 3) NURS3073 Module
Critical Perspectives in Palliative and End of Life Care NURS4116 Module
Critical Perspectives in Palliative and End of Life Care NURS3015 Module
Developing Advanced Clinical Skills through Work-Based Learning (20 credits) NURS4108 Module
Developing Advanced Clinical Skills through Work-Based Learning (30 credits) NURS4109 Module
Development of Management and Leadership Skills for Practice NURS3103 Module
Diabetes Mellitus - Contemporary Management NURS3136 Module
Dimensions of Advanced Nursing NURS4172 Module
Dissertation NURS4202 Module
Dissertation for MA in Research Methods (Health) NURS4010 Module
Dissertation Project (Advanced Nursing) NURS4018 Module
Dissertation Project (Quality and Patient Safety Improvement) NURS4140 Module
Doctoral Scholarship Application Training NURS4165 Module
Evidence Applied to Nursing Practice NURS1019 Module
Evidence Based Healthcare (online) NURS3124 Module
Extended Literature Review NURS3104 Module
Foundations for professional and personal effectiveness in nursing NURS4056 Module
Foundations in Dementia Care NURS3133 Module
Fundamentals of Quantitative Analysis NURS4048 Module
Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy NURS4182 Module
Fundamentals of Safety, Quality and Improvement Science NURS4161 Module
High Dependency and Critical Care for the Neonate, Infant or Child 1 NURS4209 Module
High Dependency and Critical Care for the Neonate, Infant or Child 1 NURS3128 Module
High Dependency and Critical Care for the Neonate, Infant or Child 2 NURS4203 Module
High Dependency and Critical Care for the Neonate, Infant or Child 2 NURS3129 Module
High Dependency Care for Children and Young People NURS3143 Module
History taking, physical examination and clinical decision making (1) NURS4178 Module
History taking, physical examination and clinical decision making (2) NURS4179 Module
Improvement, Power, Professionalism and Citizen Leadership NURS4160 Module
Independent & Supplementary Prescribing for the Allied Health Professions NURS3025 Module
Independent & Supplementary Prescribing for the Allied Health Professions NURS4114 Module
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives NURS3099 Module
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives NURS4192 Module
Individual and Group Interviews (3) NURS4072 Module
Individual and Group Interviews (Online) NURS4075 Module
Introduction to Professional Nursing NURS1016 Module
Leadership and Governance in Healthcare NURS4173 Module
Leadership and Innovation for Nursing NURS4201 Module
Leadership for Nursing NURS2018 Module
Leading a Quality Improvement Project in the Workplace (online) NURS3130 Module
Leading and Following in the improvement process NURS4162 Module
Learning and Assessment in Healthcare Education NURS4208 Module
Management of Long Term Conditions NURS4212 Module
Measurement and Analysis of Improvement NURS4133 Module
Measurement and Analysis of Improvement in Practice NURS4163 Module
Mental Health Innovation and Change NURS3410 Module
Mentor Preparation for Health Care Professionals (Alternate Delivery) NURS3026 Module
Mentor Preparation for Health Care Professionals (Alternate Delivery) NURS3065 Module
Mentor Preparation for Health Care Professionals (Level 3) NURS3069 Module
Mentor Preparation for Health Care Professionals (level 4) NURS4128 Module
Mentor Preparation for Health Care Professionals (level 4) (sign off mentor requirement) NURS4126 Module
Mentor Preparation for Health Care Professionals - Blended Learning Provision NURS3081 Module
Mixed Methods in Health Research NURS4049 Module
Narrative, Literature & Health NURS3152 Module
Neonatal Nursing NURS3112 Module
Nursing Science and Professional Knowledge NURS4193 Module
Organisational Aspects of Risk, Safety and Quality NURS4500 Module
Pain Management NURS4093 Module
Pain Management NURS3040 Module
Palliative and End of Life Care Management NURS3016 Module
Palliative and End of Life Care Management (Level 4) NURS4117 Module
Person Centred Nursing Practice: Foundations (Adult Nursing) NURS1009 Module
Person Centred Nursing Practice: Foundations (Child Nursing) NURS1011 Module
Person Centred Nursing Practice: Foundations (Learning Disability Nursing) NURS1012 Module
Person Centred Nursing Practice: Foundations (Mental Health Nursing) NURS1010 Module
Portfolio NURS4089 Module
Portfolio NURS3071 Module
Preparation to Prescribe for Non-Prescribing Professions NURS4211 Module
Preparing to prescribe NURS3101 Module
Professional development, Leadership and Innovation for Nursing practice NURS4068 Module
Psychosocial Influences on Health NURS2016 Module
Psychosocial Influences on Health NURS4195 Module
Supplementary Prescribing for Dietitians NURS3082 Module
Supplementary Prescribing for Dietitians NURS4164 Module
Teaching and Learning in Health and Social Care NURS4020 Module
The Principles and Methods of Evidence Based Practice in Health and Social Care NURS4174 Module
Transition to Advanced Clinical Practice NURS4181 Module
Transition to Advanced Practice (Non-Apprentice) NURS4215 Module
Using Evidence to Improve Nursing Practice NURS2015 Module
Working with People who Self Harm across the Lifespan NURS4185 Module
Working with People who Self Harm across the Lifespan NURS3093 Module
Workplace Education in Healthcare (Online) NURS3131 Module

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