Part of: School of Medicine

Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Absence, Rehabilitation & Retention PSTY4028 Module
Advanced Research Methods PSTY4041 Module
Applied Forensic Analytical Methods PSTY4079 Module
Applied Research Project PSTY4004 Module
Applied Research Project: Theory and Practice PSTY4066 Module
BRM B Research Module PSTY5032 Module
Case Study 1 PSTY5007 Module
Case Study/Research Project 2 PSTY5012 Module
Consultancy Skills PSTY4003 Module
Contemporary Issues in Workplace Health PSTY4026 Module
Dementia PSTY4049 Module
Early Research Assessments PSTY5025 Module
Families, Groups & Indirect Work PSTY5002 Module
Families, Groups, & Indirect Work PSTY5027 Module
Forensic Mental Health PSTY4080 Module
Forensic Organisational Psychology PSTY4037 Module
Forensic Practice Interventions PSTY4077 Module
Forensic Practice Placement Reports 1 & 2 PSTY5008 Module
Forensic Practice Placement Reports 3 & 4 PSTY5013 Module
Foundation Placement A PSTY4016 Module
Foundation Placement B PSTY5017 Module
Foundation Placement B PSTY4067 Module
Individual Client Interventions PSTY4014 Module
Integration & Specialist Options PSTY5033 Module
Integration & Specialist Options PSTY5005 Module
Leadership, Engagement and Motivation PSTY4069 Module
Learning Training and Development PSTY4071 Module
Legal Psychology: Policing and Criminal Justice PSTY4036 Module
Lifespan Development PSTY5031 Module
Lifespan Development PSTY5004 Module
Masters Research project PSTY4048 Module
Models and Approaches in Forensic Mental Health Research PSTY4056 Module
Models and Approaches in Mental Health Research PSTY4044 Module
Models and Approaches in Mental Illness (MAMI) MEDS3028 Module
Organisational Change & Development PSTY4070 Module
Professional communication/Delivery of a Training Package & Report PSTY5014 Module
Professional Practice Skills and Case Study Plan PSTY5006 Module
Professional Skills PSTY4015 Module
Promotion of Workplace Health and Wellbeing PSTY4055 Module
Psychometrics and Interview Skills and Psychometric critic PSTY5011 Module
Qualitative Research Methods PSTY4057 Module
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Mental Health Research MEDS3089 Module
Quantitative Methods PSTY4061 Module
Research and Evaluation Methods PSTY4027 Module
Research Portfolio & Viva PSTY5023 Module
Research Portolio B PSTY5029 Module
Research Project DForenPsy PSTY5015 Module
Second Year Placements PSTY5018 Module
Second Year Placements PSTY5030 Module
Systematic Review Project PSTY5010 Module
Systems & Organisations PSTY5026 Module
Systems & Organisations PSTY5003 Module
Third year Placements PSTY5028 Module
Third Year Placements PSTY5021 Module
Topics in Child and Adolescent Mental Health PSTY4045 Module
Topics in Cognitive Neuropsychiatry PSTY4046 Module
Work Design, Well-being and Work PSTY4068 Module
Workshop 2 on Systematic Literature Review & Critical Appraisal Skills PSTY5009 Module

Lists linked to Psychiatry and Applied Psychology

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