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@book{Turner_López de Martínez_Lâopez de Martâinez_2003, address={Cambridge}, title={The Cambridge companion to the Spanish novel : from 1600 to the present}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Turner, Harriet S and López de Martínez, Adelaida and Lâopez de Martâinez, Adelaida}, year={2003} }
@article{Turner_1980, address={Pittsburgh, Pa}, title={‘The Control of Confusion and Clarity in El amigo Manso’}, volume={año 15}, journal={Anales galdosianos}, publisher={University of Pittsburgh}, author={Turner, H.S.}, year={1980}, pages={45–59} }
@book{Umbral_1968, address={Madrid}, title={Valle-Inclán}, volume={Grandes escritores contemporáneos}, publisher={Unión Editorial}, author={Umbral, Francisco}, year={1968} }
@book{Urey_1982, address={Cambridge}, title={Galdós and the irony of language}, volume={Cambridge Iberian and Latin American studies}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Urey, Diane F.}, year={1982} }
@inbook{Valle-Inclán_2004, address={Madrid}, edition={48a. ed}, title={Luces de Bohemia: esperpento - ‘Apéndice. Taller de lectura’}, volume={Colección Austral. Teatro}, booktitle={Luces de Bohemia: esperpento}, publisher={Espasa-Calpe}, author={Valle-Inclán, Joaquín}, year={2004}, pages={207–249} }
@book{Valle-Inclán_Lyon_1993, address={Warminster}, title={Lights of Bohemia =: Luces de bohemia}, volume={Hispanic classics}, publisher={Aris & Phillips}, author={Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Lyon, John}, year={1993} }
@book{Valle-Inclán_Valle-Inclán_Zamora Vicente_2004, address={Madrid}, edition={48a. ed}, title={Luces de Bohemia: esperpento}, volume={Colección Austral. Teatro}, publisher={Espasa-Calpe}, author={Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Valle-Inclán, Joaquín del and Zamora Vicente, Alonso}, year={2004} }
@book{Valle-Inclán_Valle-Inclán_Valle-Inclán_Valle-Inclán_Delgado_1997, address={London}, edition={Corr. ed}, title={Plays one: Divine words, Bohemian lights, Silver face}, volume={Methuen world classics}, publisher={Methuen Drama}, author={Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Delgado, Maria M.}, year={1997} }
@book{Valle-Inclán_Zahareas_Gillespie_1976, address={Edinburgh}, title={Luces de Bohemia: esperpento = Bohemian lights}, volume={Edinburgh bilingual library}, publisher={Edinburgh University Press}, author={Valle-Inclán, Ramón del and Zahareas, Anthony N. and Gillespie, Gerald Ernest Paul}, year={1976} }
@book{Varey_Round_2003, address={Woodbridge}, title={New Galdós studies: essays in memory of John Varey}, volume={Colección Támesis. Serie A, Monografías}, publisher={Tamesis}, author={Varey, J. E. and Round, Nicholas Grenville}, year={2003} }
@book{ title={ESTUDIOS SOBRE POESIA DE LORCA}, publisher={Madrid: Istmo, 2005}, author={Various} }
@article{Vasari_1980, title={Aspectos religioso-políticos de la ideología de Espronceda : El Estudiante de Salamanca}, volume={82}, DOI={10.3406/hispa.1980.4410}, number={1}, journal={Bulletin Hispanique}, author={Vasari, Stephen}, year={1980}, pages={94–149} }
@book{Villanueva_2005, address={Valencia}, title={Valle-Inclán, novelista del modernismo}, volume={Prosopopeya}, publisher={Tirant Lo Blanch}, author={Villanueva, Darío}, year={2005} }
@book{Warner_University of Bristol. Dept. of Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies_2003a, address={Bristol}, title={Powers of utterance: a discourse approach to works of Lorca, Machado and Valle-Inclán}, volume={Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American monographs}, publisher={HiPLAM}, author={Warner, Ian Robin and University of Bristol. Dept. of Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies}, year={2003} }
@book{Warner_University of Bristol. Dept. of Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies_2003b, address={Bristol}, title={Powers of utterance: a discourse approach to works of Lorca, Machado and Valle-Inclán}, volume={Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American monographs}, publisher={HiPLAM}, author={Warner, Ian Robin and University of Bristol. Dept. of Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies}, year={2003} }
@book{Ynduráin_1971, address={Madrid}, title={Análisis formal de la poesía de Espronceda}, publisher={Taurus}, author={Ynduráin, Domingo}, year={1971} }
@book{Zamora Vicente_1969, address={Madrid}, title={La realidad esperpéntica: aproximación a Luces de Bohemia}, volume={Biblioteca románica hispánica. II, Estudios y ensayos}, publisher={Gredos}, author={Zamora Vicente, Alonso}, year={1969} }
@article{Zamora Vicente_2004, address={Madrid}, edition={48a. ed}, title={Luces de Bohemia: esperpento - ‘Introducción’}, volume={Colección Austral. Teatro}, journal={Luces de Bohemia: esperpento}, publisher={Espasa-Calpe}, author={Zamora Vicente, Alonso}, year={2004}, pages={9–33} }