Part of: School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. Courses in: 1. Culture, Film and Media (CULT); 2. History of Art (HART)

Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
African and Afro-Diasporic Visual Cultures:1900 to the Present CULT3052 Module
Art & Architecture in Nottingham HART1034 Module
Art and Architecture in Nottingham CULT2029 Module
Art and Science: 1900 to the Present HART3055 Module
Art at the Tudor Courts, 1485-1603 HART2036 Module
Art Writing in Twentieth-Century America HART3062 Module
Art, Methods and Media HART1037 Module
Arts in Society HIST4060 Module
Arts in Society CULT4057 Module
Attractions/Distractions: Shortform and Disposable Media CULT3058 Module
Audiences and Consumption CULT4033 Module
Beyond the Screen: Franchising, Transmedia and more CULT2043 Module
Black Art in a White Context: Display, Critique and the 'Other' (Level 2) HART2043 Module
British Empire and its Cultural Legacies CULT2039 Module
Censoring Stories CULT3054 Module
Communicating Identities CULT2047 Module
Communication and Culture CULT1008 Module
Communication and Culture CULT1020 Module
Communication and Technology CULT1015 Module
Communication and Technology CULT1021 Module
Consuming Film and Television CULT1025 Module
Consuming Film and Television (10 credit) CULT1024 Module
Contested Bodies: Gender and Power in the Renaissance HART3027 Module
Creative and Cultural Industries Research Project CULT3045 Module
Creativity and Creative Labour CULT2041 Module
Cultural and Creative Leadership CULT3049 Module
Cultural Industries and Entrepreneurship Research Project CULT4020 Module
Cultural Policy CULT4019 Module
Cultural, Media and Visual Studies Dissertation CULT4061 Module
Cultures of Collection and Collections CULT2037 Module
Cultures of Everyday Life CULT1004 Module
Cultures of Everyday Life (10 Credits) CULT1019 Module
Development and Production CULT4031 Module
Development and Production L3 CULT3042 Module
Digital Labour CULT3062 Module
Dissertation CULT3024 Module
Dissertation in Art History HART3008 Module
Dissertation in Art History (year-long) HART3012 Module
Emotions, Affect and the Senses CULT2040 Module
Encountering Culture: Media, Art and Screen Experiences CULT2032 Module
European Avant-Garde Film HART2028 Module
Evolution and Dynamics of Change in the Screen Industries CULT1041 Module
Exhibition Histories and Practices HART3065 Module
Fascism, Spectacle, and Display HART3054 Module
Film and Television Genres CULT3010 Module
Film, Television and Screen Industries Project CULT4035 Module
Film/Television in Social and Cultural Context CULT2009 Module
Film/Television in Social and Cultural Context A CULT2027 Module
Film/Television in Social and Cultural Context B CULT2026 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Media CULT3033 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Media L4 CULT4059 Module
Global Cinema CULT3038 Module
Global Media and Cultural Flows CULT1035 Module
Global Media Franchises CULT3046 Module
History of Art: Modern to Contemporary HART1035 Module
History of Art: Modern to Contemporary (10 credits) HART1039 Module
History of Art: Renaissance to Contemporary HART1040 Module
History of Art: Renaissance to Revolution HART1036 Module
History of Art: Renaissance to Revolution (10 Credits) HART1038 Module
Immersive Experiences CULT2042 Module
Institutions and Practices CULT1034 Module
International Study HART2037 Module
International Study: Art and Place HART2048 Module
Interrogating Practice CULT2019 Module
Introduction to Cultural and Creative Industries CULT1040 Module
Investigating Cultural Industries CULT4018 Module
Irrational Media CULT3060 Module
Issues and Challenges in Contemporary Media CULT4045 Module
Journalism and News Media CULT2045 Module
Los Angeles Art and Architecture 1945-1980 HART2030 Module
Marketing and Promotion CULT4032 Module
Markets and Regulation CULT4034 Module
Media and Cultural Industries Practices CULT4048 Module
Media and Democracy CULT1042 Module
Media and Society CULT1009 Module
Media and Society (10 Credits) CULT1018 Module
Media and the Environment CULT3043 Module
Media Identities: Who we are and how we feel CULT2011 Module
Media, Memory and the Disaster CULT3061 Module
Mediating Disaster CULT3035 Module
Memory, Media & Visual Culture CULT2031 Module
New Media and Digital Culture CULT2023 Module
Objects and Technologies CULT2036 Module
Persuasive Communication and Political Belief CULT2046 Module
Playful Experiences CULT3055 Module
Political Communication, Public Relations and Propaganda CULT2021 Module
Politics and Visual Culture CULT3044 Module
Producing Film and Television CULT1026 Module
Producing Film and Television CULT1027 Module
Professional Practices: Festivals CULT3047 Module
Protest, Dissent and Civil Society CULT3057 Module
Public Cultures and Creative Communication CULT3048 Module
Public Cultures: Protest, Participation and Power CULT3034 Module
Public Cultures: Protest, Participation and Power L4 CULT4060 Module
Questioning Culture: An Introduction to Research CULT1014 Module
Reading and Writing Art History HART1005 Module
Reading Film and Television CULT1029 Module
Reading Film and Television (10 credit version) CULT1028 Module
Researching Culture, Film and Media (Ningbo Spring Version) CULT2025 Module
Researching Media and Culture CULT2015 Module
Researching Media and Culture (Ningbo Autumn Version) CULT2024 Module
Revivals: Art in Dialogue with the Past HART2047 Module
Ruptures: Art Breaking with the Past HART3064 Module
Screen Encounters: Audiences and Engagement CULT3018 Module
Screen Industries Practices CULT4050 Module
Self, Sign and Society CULT3031 Module
Sound and Everyday Life CULT3056 Module
Sound and Experience CULT3030 Module
Studio Project 1A CULT1031 Module
Studio Project 1B CULT1032 Module
Studio Project 2A CULT2033 Module
Studio Project 2B CULT2034 Module
Studio Project 3 CULT3050 Module
Surrealism, its sources and legacies HART3063 Module
Technology and the Transformations of Communication CULT4043 Module
The (Un)Seen Industry: Distribution and Platforming in the Screen Industries CULT3059 Module
The Cultural Sector Now CULT3051 Module
The Language of Art History HART1003 Module
The Outmoded CULT3053 Module
The Secret of Success: Manufacturing Value in the Screen Industries CULT2044 Module
The Sixties: Culture & Counterculture CULT2030 Module
Transnational Media CULT2008 Module
Travelling Stories - Narrative Locations CULT2038 Module
Understanding Cultural Industries CULT2010 Module
Video Production Project CULT3014 Module
Ways of seeing, hearing and reading CULT1033 Module
Working in the Cultural Industries CULT3041 Module

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