Part of: School of Geography

Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Quantitative Methods for Social Science GEOG3056 Module
Advances in Managing Rivers and Catchments GEOG4088 Module
Advances in Managing Rivers and Catchments GEOG4114 Module
Advances in Remote Sensing GEOG3055 Module
Animal Geographies GEOG3064 Module
Careers Skills for Geographers GEOG1015 Module
Climate Change Decision Making in Context GEOG4115 Module
Climate Change Decision-Making in Context GEOG4095 Module
Climate Risk Management GEOG4111 Module
Critical Human Geography GEOG3065 Module
Cultural and Historical Geography GEOG2017 Module
Cultural and Historical Geography (10cr) Spring GEOG2033 Module
Dissertation GEOG3004 Module
Dissertation (120 Credit Geography) GEOG4100 Module
Dissertation (140 Credit Geography) GEOG4101 Module
Dissertation (160 Credit Geography) GEOG4102 Module
Dissertation (180 Credit Geography) GEOG4103 Module
Dissertation for MA in Social Science Research (Geography) GEOG4022 Module
Dissertation Preparation GEOG2031 Module
Earth Observation GEOG2021 Module
Earth Observation (10cr) Spring GEOG2027 Module
Economic Geography GEOG2016 Module
Ecosystem Function, Management and Conservation GEOG4093 Module
Environment, Development and Livelihoods GEOG3011 Module
Environment, Development and Livelihoods (Masters) GEOG4037 Module
Environmental and Climate Justice GEOG4112 Module
Environmental Knowledge to Action GEOG4097 Module
Environmental Modelling GEOG3028 Module
European Landscapes (Liguria) GEOG3001 Module
European Urban Geographies (Berlin Fieldcourse) GEOG3007 Module
Exploring Human Geography GEOG1008 Module
Exploring Place GEOG1017 Module
Fashion and Food GEOG3066 Module
Foundations of Sustainability GEOG4109 Module
Freshwater Management GEOG3015 Module
Geographical Field Course GEOG1001 Module
Geographies of Fashion and Food GEOG3018 Module
Geographies of Money and Finance GEOG3012 Module
Geographies of Violence GEOG3017 Module
Geological Hazards and Resources GEOG3035 Module
Geophysics and Geological Mapping GEOG3033 Module
Geospatial Technologies: Mobile, Augmented and Virtual GEOG3022 Module
Global Challenges GEOG1038 Module
Global Climate Change (20 cr) GEOG3062 Module
Global Frontiers in Sustainability GEOG4110 Module
Globalisation: Economy, Space and Power GEOG1018 Module
Health Geographies GEOG3059 Module
Interpreting Geographical Data GEOG1004 Module
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems GEOG1010 Module
Just Futures and their Geographies GEOG3061 Module
Landscape, Culture and Politics GEOG3013 Module
Leadership and Management in Practice GEOG4079 Module
Living with Hazards GEOG2073 Module
Medical Geography GEOG2011 Module
On Earth and Life GEOG1014 Module
Patterns of Life GEOG2009 Module
People and the Environment GEOG4090 Module
Perspectives on Environmental Leadership GEOG4091 Module
Physical Landscapes of Britain (10 credits) GEOG1036 Module
Planet Earth: Exploring the Physical Environment (20 cr) GEOG1037 Module
Political Economy of Climate Change GEOG4113 Module
Political Geography GEOG2072 Module
Project in Environmental Leadership and Management GEOG4084 Module
Project Preparation and Design GEOG4099 Module
Project Preparation Design and Management GEOG4116 Module
Research Tutorial GEOG2030 Module
Rivers in the Landscape GEOG2008 Module
Rivers in the Landscape(10 cr) GEOG2075 Module
Rural Environmental Geography GEOG2013 Module
Spatial Decision Making GEOG2014 Module
Spatial Decision Making (10cr) Autumn GEOG2029 Module
Spatial Decision Making (10cr) Spring GEOG2019 Module
Study Skills for Environmental Sciences GEOG2071 Module
Techniques for Environmental Solutions GEOG4092 Module
Techniques in Geography GEOG2012 Module
Techniques in Human Geography (FY) GEOG2004 Module
Techniques in Physical Geography GEOG2003 Module
The Changing Environment (20 cr) GEOG2074 Module
The Changing Environment (Aut) GEOG2006 Module
The Changing Environment (Spr) GEOG2020 Module
Third Year Geography Fieldcourse GEOG3060 Module
Tropical Environments in the Anthropocene GEOG3057 Module
Tutorial GEOG1005 Module
Unearthing the Past (20 cr) GEOG3063 Module
Urban Geography GEOG2034 Module

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