Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
ABEE4120 Advanced Design Project 1 (30) ABEE4120 Module
Acoustics and Lighting ABEE2001 Module
Advanced Design Project 1 ABEE4045 Module
Advanced Design Project 2 ABEE4046 Module
Advanced Sustainable Design ABEE4014 Module
Applied Architectural Technology ABEE4051 Module
Architectural Design Studio ABEE4032 Module
Architectural Design Studio 1A ABEE1002 Module
Architectural Design Studio 1A ABEE1007 Module
Architectural Design Studio 1B ABEE1003 Module
Architectural Design Studio 1B ABEE1008 Module
Architectural Design Studio 2A ABEE2005 Module
Architectural Design Studio 2B ABEE2006 Module
Architectural Design Studio 3A ABEE3050 Module
Architectural Design Studio 3B ABEE3051 Module
Architectural Engineering Design 1 ABEE1010 Module
Architectural Engineering Design 2 ABEE1011 Module
Architectural Engineering Design 3 ABEE2014 Module
Architectural Engineering Design 4 ABEE2015 Module
Architectural Engineering Design 5 ABEE3016 Module
Architectural Engineering Design 6 ABEE4093 Module
Architectural Humanities I: History of Architecture ABEE1006 Module
Architectural Humanities II ABEE2010 Module
Architectural Humanities III: Theories in Contemporary Architecture ABEE3006 Module
Architectural Research Studio ABEE4040 Module
Architectural Research Study ABEE4052 Module
Architectural Studies Dissertation ABEE3012 Module
Architectural Urbanism in Practice ABEE4110 Module
Architecture and Urbanism Research ABEE4119 Module
Building Case Study ABEE4018 Module
Building Energy Performance Rating and Programming ABEE4100 Module
Building Information Modelling and Management ABEE4097 Module
Building Information Modelling and Management (Level 3) ABEE3052 Module
Building Physics ABEE4096 Module
Building Services Technologies ABEE4095 Module
Building Simulation ABEE4099 Module
Building with the Past ABEE4006 Module
Case Study Project ABEE4011 Module
CFD and Energy Simulation for Building Engineering ABEE4103 Module
Climate Responsive Building Design Project ABEE4092 Module
Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Built Environment ABEE3037 Module
Control Systems for Built Environment ABEE2038 Module
Cooling and Heating Systems and their Applications ABEE4091 Module
Culture and Context in Practice (10cr) ABEE4053 Module
Culture, Context in Practice (20cr) ABEE4042 Module
Design Build Theory and Practicum ABEE4031 Module
Design Fabrication ABEE4007 Module
Design Studio 3 ABEE3009 Module
Design Studio 4A ABEE4106 Module
Design Studio 4B ABEE4107 Module
Design Thesis Project ABEE4114 Module
Design Thesis Research ABEE4056 Module
Design Thesis Studio Portfolio ABEE4057 Module
Design, Culture and Context ABEE4033 Module
Dissertation: Architecture & Built Environment ABEE4002 Module
Electricity and the Built Environment ABEE2039 Module
Energy and the Environment ABEE4098 Module
Energy and the Environment (Level 3) ABEE3053 Module
Energy and Waste ABEE2040 Module
Environment and Technology 2 ABEE4038 Module
Environmental Performance Modelling ABEE2013 Module
Environmental Science for Architects ABEE1004 Module
Environmental Science for Architects 2 ABEE2036 Module
Environmental Science for Architects 2 ABEE2007 Module
Environmental Services Design 1 ABEE2041 Module
Environmental Services Design 2 ABEE3039 Module
Environmental Services Design 3 ABEE3010 Module
Environmental Technology One ABEE4043 Module
Fluid Mechanics and the Built Environment 1 ABEE2042 Module
Fluid Mechanics and the Built Environment 2 ABEE3040 Module
Gateway to Professional Competencies ABEE4124 Module
Heat Transfer and Cooling Technologies ABEE3049 Module
High Rise Buildings and Vertical Urbanism ABEE4010 Module
Integrated Design in Architecture ABEE1001 Module
Integrated Design in Architecture 2A ABEE2003 Module
Integrated Design in Architecture 3 ABEE3007 Module
Integrated Environmental Design ABEE4012 Module
Integrated Environmental Design 2 ABEE4028 Module
Live Design Studio ABEE4054 Module
Live Thesis Portfolio ABEE4112 Module
Live Thesis Research ABEE4113 Module
Passive Solar Design Principles and Simulation ABEE4101 Module
People Buildings Landscape ABEE1009 Module
Performance of Construction Materials ABEE1029 Module
Practice and Management ABEE3002 Module
Practice Research by Design ABEE4111 Module
Practice Scenarios ABEE4116 Module
Principles of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Systems ABEE4104 Module
Professional Competencies ABEE4123 Module
Professional Practice ABEE4005 Module
Professional Practice & Reflec ABEE4118 Module
Professional Practice & Reflection (EPA) ABEE4115 Module
Professional Practice (Case Study) PGDip ABEE4126 Module
Professional Practice (PGDip) ABEE4125 Module
Professional Practice and End Point Assessment ABEE4121 Module
Professional Studies ABEE4041 Module
Professional Studies (PGDip) ABEE4122 Module
Professional Studies and Gateway ABEE4117 Module
Professional Studies in Practice ABEE4039 Module
Project Management and Development ABEE3003 Module
Reflective Practice Portfolio ABEE4055 Module
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Technologies ABEE4105 Module
Renewable Energy Technology Design and Appraisal ABEE4090 Module
Renewable Energy Technology Transfer Project ABEE4074 Module
Research Dissertation ABEE3054 Module
Research Project ABEE3036 Module
Research Project ABEE4109 Module
Research Skills ABEE4008 Module
Simulation and Design ABEE2044 Module
Simulation Modelling Theory ABEE4108 Module
Smart Energy and the Built Environment ABEE2046 Module
Sustainable Building Research Project ABEE4088 Module
Sustainable Urbanism ABEE3035 Module
Tall Buildings & High Density Cities ABEE3034 Module
Technology Integration for Sustainable Buildings ABEE4089 Module
Tectonics 1 ABEE1005 Module
Tectonics 2A ABEE2008 Module
Tectonics 2B ABEE2009 Module
Tectonics 3 ABEE3011 Module
Theory & Research in Architecture ABEE4037 Module
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 1 ABEE2045 Module
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 2 ABEE3043 Module
Thermofluids 1 ABEE1030 Module
Thermofluids 2 ABEE1031 Module
Urban Design Management ABEE4019 Module
Urban Design Theory ABEE3004 Module
Urban Design Theory & Practice ABEE4004 Module
Wind Environment 3D Simulation in Architecture ABEE4102 Module

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