Part of: School of Humanities

Browse Division

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Aquinas & Thomism (Distance Learning - 30 credits) THEO4038 Module
Aquinas & Thomism (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4128 Module
Aquinas & Thomisms (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4037 Module
Atheism THEO1015 Module
Big Questions in Theology and Religious Studies THEO1022 Module
Big Questions in Theology and Religious Studies THEO1021 Module
Body and Soul: Christian Theological Anthropology (L2) THEO2078 Module
Body and Soul: Christian Theological Anthropology (L3) THEO3075 Module
Buddhism and the World (Level 2) THEO3073 Module
Buddhism and the World (Level 3) THEO2076 Module
Christianity and the Challenge of Modernity THEO1008 Module
Christianity in Twentieth Century Britain (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4065 Module
Christianity in Twentieth-century Britain (Distance Learning - 40 credits)) THEO4121 Module
Christology (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4039 Module
Christology (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4127 Module
Directed Reading (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4030 Module
Directed Reading (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4141 Module
Dissertation THEO4007 Module
Dissertation THEO3059 Module
Dissertation THEO3003 Module
Early Christian Writings: Outside the Canonical Collection (Distance Learning - 20 credits). THEO4057 Module
Early Christian Writings: outside the canonical collection (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4112 Module
Eco-theologies of Love: Christian Theology and Climate Change (Level 2) THEO2077 Module
Eco-theologies of Love: Christian Theology and Climate Change (Level 3) THEO3074 Module
Faith and Reason (Distance Learning 40c) THEO4137 Module
Faith and Reason (Distance Learning) THEO4040 Module
Faith and Reason (Distance Learning) (20 credits) THEO4138 Module
Intermediate Biblical Greek (Level 2) THEO2044 Module
Intermediate Biblical Greek (Level 3) THEO3043 Module
Intermediate Biblical Hebrew (Level 2) THEO2037 Module
Interpreting Islam THEO1007 Module
Interpreting Judaism THEO1013 Module
Interpreting the Hebrew Bible THEO1001 Module
Interpreting the New Testament THEO1004 Module
Introduction to Biblical Greek A (Level 1) THEO1003 Module
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew A (Level 1) THEO1002 Module
Islamic Theology and Philosophy (Level 2) THEO2017 Module
Islamic Theology and Philosophy (Level 3) THEO3020 Module
La Nouvelle Theologie (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4041 Module
La Nouvelle Theologie (Distance Learning - 30 credits) THEO4042 Module
La Nouvelle Theologie (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4129 Module
Modern Jewish Thought (Level 2) THEO2012 Module
Modern Jewish Thought (Level 3) THEO3019 Module
Muslims and Others: Ethics, Theology and History (Level 2) THEO2071 Module
Muslims and Others: Ethics, Theology and History (Level 3) THEO3068 Module
Narrative in the Hebrew Bible (Level 2) THEO2073 Module
Narrative in the Hebrew Bible (Level 3) THEO3069 Module
Philosophy for Theologians THEO1014 Module
Philosophy of Religion Level 3 THEO3070 Module
Reading World Religions THEO1023 Module
Reading World Religions (20 credits) THEO1019 Module
Religion and Fantasy (Level 2) THEO2014 Module
Religion and Fantasy (Level 3) THEO3005 Module
Religion in Britain: Interfaith Encounters in a Secular Age THEO2066 Module
Religion, Media and Ethics (Level 1) THEO1020 Module
Research Methods and Resources (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4056 Module
Revivalism and Reform in Britain and America 1730-1860 (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4055 Module
Revivalism and Reform in Britain and America 1730-1860 (Distance Learning - 30 credits)) THEO4052 Module
Revivalism and Reform in Britain and America 1730-1860 (Distance Learning - 40 credits)) THEO4119 Module
Revolutions in 20th Century Christian Theology: Resourcement and the Radicalness of Orthodoxy THEO2060 Module
Revolutions in 20th Century Christian Theology: Resourcement and the Radicalness of Orthodoxy THEO3058 Module
Systematic and Philosophical Theology for Newcomers (Distance Learning) 20c THEO4125 Module
The Bible in Music, Art and Literature THEO1016 Module
The Churches and the Social Question in Britain, 1815-1900 (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4053 Module
The Churches and the Social Question in Britain, 1815-1900 (Distance Learning - 30 credits) THEO4054 Module
The Churches and the Social Question in Britain, 1815-1900 (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4120 Module
The Developing Tradition: Theologians of the Second Century (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4048 Module
The Developing Tradition: Theologians of the Second Century (Distance Learning - 30 credits) THEO4049 Module
The Developing Tradition: Theologians of the Second Century (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4115 Module
The Emergence of the New Testament Canon (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4050 Module
The Life and Teachings of Jesus (Level 2) THEO2002 Module
The Life and Teachings of Jesus (Level 3) THEO3012 Module
The Philosophy of Religion Level 2 THEO2001 Module
The Theology of Paul (Level 2) THEO2003 Module
The Theology of Paul (Level 3) THEO3014 Module
The Virgin Mary in Christian Tradition (Distance Learning - 20 credits) THEO4035 Module
The Virgin Mary in Christian Tradition (Distance Learning - 40 credits) THEO4116 Module
Virtue Ethics and Literature (Level 2) THEO2028 Module
Virtue Ethics and Literature (Level 3) THEO3026 Module
Women and Warfare in the Hebrew Bible (Level 2) THEO2039 Module
Women and Warfare in the Hebrew Bible (Level 3) THEO3039 Module

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