Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Consciousness in Fiction |
ENGL4033 |
Module |
Academic Community |
ENGL1008 |
Module |
Advanced Stylistics |
ENGL3069 |
Module |
Advanced Writing Practice |
ENGL3040 |
Module |
Advanced Writing Practice: Fiction |
ENGL3099 |
Module |
Advanced Writing Practice: Poetry |
ENGL3098 |
Module |
Alexander Pope and Eighteenth-Century Contexts |
ENGL4336 |
Module |
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 1 |
ENGL4312 |
Module |
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 2 |
ENGL4313 |
Module |
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 20c |
ENGL4314 |
Module |
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 3 |
ENGL4315 |
Module |
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 40 credits |
ENGL4360 |
Module |
Applied English Portfolio 1 |
ENGL4305 |
Module |
Applied English Portfolio 2 |
ENGL4306 |
Module |
Applied English Portfolio 20c |
ENGL4308 |
Module |
Applied English Portfolio 3 |
ENGL4307 |
Module |
Applied English Portfolio 40c |
ENGL4309 |
Module |
Approaches to Literary Studies |
ENGL4317 |
Module |
Approaches to Text (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4232 |
Module |
Approaches to Text (DL - 30 Credits) |
ENGL4092 |
Module |
Approaches to Victorian Literature |
ENGL4318 |
Module |
Beginnings of English |
ENGL1006 |
Module |
Business and Organisational Communication |
ENGL4097 |
Module |
Calls, Speech, Writing, and Sign Language |
ENGL4319 |
Module |
Changing Stages: Theatre Industry and Theatre Art |
ENGL3100 |
Module |
Character |
ENGL4320 |
Module |
Chaucer and his Contemporaries, c.1380-c.1420 |
ENGL2011 |
Module |
Cognition and Literature |
ENGL4025 |
Module |
Cognition and Literature (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4054 |
Module |
Cognition and Literature (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4210 |
Module |
Cognitive Narratology |
ENGL4335 |
Module |
Cognitive Poetics |
ENGL4334 |
Module |
Comics and Graphic Novels |
ENGL4333 |
Module |
Communication and Entrepreneurship Research Project |
ENGL4096 |
Module |
Consciousness in Literature |
ENGL4332 |
Module |
Contemporary British Fiction |
ENGL3065 |
Module |
Contemporary Creative-Critical Writing |
ENGL4331 |
Module |
Contemporary Fairy Tale Literature |
ENGL4330 |
Module |
Contextualising Old English |
ENGL4266 |
Module |
Contextualising Old Norse |
ENGL4267 |
Module |
Core Concepts in Linguistics |
ENGL4329 |
Module |
Core Concepts in Professional Communication |
ENGL4328 |
Module |
Core Concepts in SLA |
ENGL4327 |
Module |
Core Concepts in Vocabulary Studies |
ENGL4326 |
Module |
Corpus Linguistics |
ENGL4325 |
Module |
Corpus Linguistics |
ENGL4158 |
Module |
Corpus Stylistics |
ENGL4324 |
Module |
Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis |
ENGL4323 |
Module |
Correspondence in the Long 19th Century |
ENGL4322 |
Module |
Creative Writing Dissertation |
ENGL3058 |
Module |
Creative Writing Practice |
ENGL1010 |
Module |
Creative Writing: Conventions and Techniques |
ENGL4147 |
Module |
Culture and Communication |
ENGL4321 |
Module |
D H Lawrence and Modernism |
ENGL4117 |
Module |
Data Analysis Using R |
ENGL4364 |
Module |
Data Visualisation Using R |
ENGL4363 |
Module |
Death and Dying in Late Medieval Literature |
ENGL4362 |
Module |
Descriptive Linguistic Analysis (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4246 |
Module |
Descriptive Linguistic Analysis (DL - 30 Credits) |
ENGL4039 |
Module |
Dialect in Literature |
ENGL4361 |
Module |
Digital Communication in the Professions |
ENGL4223 |
Module |
Digital Professional Communication |
ENGL4316 |
Module |
Digital Storytelling |
ENGL4359 |
Module |
Discourse Analysis |
ENGL4358 |
Module |
Discourse Analysis (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4251 |
Module |
Discourse and Power: Health and Business Communication |
ENGL3095 |
Module |
Dissertation |
ENGL4031 |
Module |
Dissertation |
ENGL4067 |
Module |
Dissertation for MA In Social Science Research (Applied Linguistics) |
ENGL4168 |
Module |
Dissertation in Creative Writing |
ENGL4111 |
Module |
Dissertation in Health Care Communication |
ENGL4065 |
Module |
Drama, Theatre, Performance |
ENGL1001 |
Module |
Dramatic Discourse |
ENGL4160 |
Module |
Dreaming the Middle Ages: Visionary Poetry in Scotland and England |
ENGL3047 |
Module |
Early Medieval Women and Literature |
ENGL4357 |
Module |
Ecocriticism |
ENGL4356 |
Module |
ELT Methodology |
ENGL4355 |
Module |
English Dissertation: Full year |
ENGL3002 |
Module |
English Dissertation: Spring Semester only |
ENGL3029 |
Module |
English Field-Names |
ENGL4354 |
Module |
English Medium Instruction |
ENGL4353 |
Module |
English Place-Names |
ENGL3013 |
Module |
English Place-Names: Language, Landscape, History (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4244 |
Module |
English Place-Names: Language, Landscape, History (DL - 30 Credits) |
ENGL4200 |
Module |
Ethical Criticism |
ENGL4352 |
Module |
Experimental Design and Practice |
ENGL4351 |
Module |
Factors in SLA |
ENGL4350 |
Module |
Feminist Stylistics |
ENGL4349 |
Module |
Fiction: Forms and Conventions |
ENGL2024 |
Module |
Fictional Naming |
ENGL4348 |
Module |
Forensic Linguistics |
ENGL4347 |
Module |
From Englisc to Inglish: History of the English Language (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4233 |
Module |
From Stanislavski to Contemporary Performance: practice and theory |
ENGL2020 |
Module |
From Talking Horses to Romantic Revolutionaries: Literature 1700-1830 |
ENGL2007 |
Module |
Gothic Literature |
ENGL4346 |
Module |
Group Dynamics and Motivation in the Language Classroom |
ENGL4073 |
Module |
Health Care Documentation (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4215 |
Module |
Health Care Narratives (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4214 |
Module |
Healthcare Narratives |
ENGL4345 |
Module |
Hexapod |
ENGL4344 |
Module |
Historical Pragmatics |
ENGL4343 |
Module |
History of English |
ENGL4342 |
Module |
Homer in Modern and Contemporary Literature |
ENGL4341 |
Module |
Ice and Fire: Myths and Heroes of the North |
ENGL2002 |
Module |
Indian Literature of the Twentieth Century |
ENGL4340 |
Module |
Intercultural Business Communication |
ENGL4228 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
ENGL4094 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4137 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4241 |
Module |
Intercultural Competence in Context |
ENGL4339 |
Module |
Interlanguage Pragmatics |
ENGL4338 |
Module |
Investigating Given Names |
ENGL4337 |
Module |
Investigating Health Communication (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4237 |
Module |
Island and Empire |
ENGL3097 |
Module |
Language and Feminism |
ENGL3094 |
Module |
Language and Gender |
ENGL4206 |
Module |
Language and Gender in Professional Communication |
ENGL4365 |
Module |
Language and the Mind |
ENGL3051 |
Module |
Language Development |
ENGL2016 |
Module |
Language in Society |
ENGL2026 |
Module |
Language Teaching: Speaking and Listening |
ENGL4142 |
Module |
Language, Gender and Professional Communication |
ENGL4225 |
Module |
Language, Gender and Sexuality |
ENGL4018 |
Module |
Language, Health, and Illness |
ENGL4366 |
Module |
Leadership Communication |
ENGL4367 |
Module |
Leadership Communication |
ENGL4227 |
Module |
Learning and Teaching Second Language Vocabulary |
ENGL4368 |
Module |
Learning to Publish: Contemporary Forms & Practices |
ENGL4271 |
Module |
Learning to Read: Criticism for Creative Writers |
ENGL4221 |
Module |
Literary Constructions of Madness |
ENGL4369 |
Module |
Literary Geographies (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4114 |
Module |
Literary Geographies (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4234 |
Module |
Literary Histories |
ENGL4150 |
Module |
Literary Linguistics |
ENGL2017 |
Module |
Literary Linguistics |
ENGL4370 |
Module |
Literary Linguistics (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4247 |
Module |
Literary Linguistics 2 (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4248 |
Module |
Literature and Popular Culture |
ENGL2010 |
Module |
Literature in Britain Since 1950 |
ENGL4030 |
Module |
Making Something Happen: Poetry and Politics |
ENGL3066 |
Module |
Media and Political Discourse |
ENGL4371 |
Module |
Medieval Geographies |
ENGL4372 |
Module |
Metamodernism and Contemporary British Fiction |
ENGL4373 |
Module |
Metaphor |
ENGL4374 |
Module |
Middle English Romance (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4245 |
Module |
Modern and Contemporary Literature |
ENGL2008 |
Module |
Modern Irish Drama and Literature |
ENGL3101 |
Module |
Modernism and D. H. Lawrence |
ENGL4375 |
Module |
Modernism and the Avant-Garde in Literature and Drama |
ENGL4155 |
Module |
Motivation and Language Learning |
ENGL4376 |
Module |
MRes Dissertation in Medieval Languages and Literatures |
ENGL4310 |
Module |
Mysteries and Morality on the Medieval Stage |
ENGL4377 |
Module |
Names and Identities |
ENGL2012 |
Module |
Names and Language Change |
ENGL4378 |
Module |
Narratology |
ENGL4379 |
Module |
Narratology (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4209 |
Module |
Old English Language |
ENGL4380 |
Module |
Old English Literature |
ENGL4381 |
Module |
Old English Texts 1 (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4239 |
Module |
Old English: Reflection and Lament |
ENGL2013 |
Module |
Old Norse Language |
ENGL4382 |
Module |
Old Norse Mythology |
ENGL4383 |
Module |
One and Unequal: World Literature and English |
ENGL3103 |
Module |
Oscar Wilde and Henry James: British Aestheticism and Commodity Culture |
ENGL3034 |
Module |
Oscar Wilde and West End Theatre |
ENGL4384 |
Module |
Performance: Contexts and Frameworks (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4138 |
Module |
Performance: Contexts and Frameworks (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4242 |
Module |
Performing Space and Place |
ENGL4385 |
Module |
Performing the Nation: British Theatre since 1980 |
ENGL3063 |
Module |
Place, Region, Empire |
ENGL4151 |
Module |
Place-Names and the English Landscape |
ENGL4386 |
Module |
Place-Names in Context: Language, landscape and history |
ENGL4268 |
Module |
Poetry: Best Words, Best Order |
ENGL4262 |
Module |
Poetry: Forms and Conventions |
ENGL2023 |
Module |
Practice and Practitioners |
ENGL4220 |
Module |
Processing Sentences and Discourse |
ENGL4387 |
Module |
Processing Sounds and Meaning |
ENGL4388 |
Module |
Professional Communication at Work |
ENGL4224 |
Module |
Professional Communication in the Globalised World |
ENGL4389 |
Module |
Project-Based Dissertation |
ENGL3045 |
Module |
Psycholinguistics 1 (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4230 |
Module |
Psychology of Language |
ENGL4036 |
Module |
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Applied Linguistics |
ENGL4075 |
Module |
Quantitative Research Methods In Applied Linguistics |
ENGL4390 |
Module |
Queer Linguistics |
ENGL4391 |
Module |
Reading and Editing the Medieval Text |
ENGL4392 |
Module |
Reading Old English |
ENGL4263 |
Module |
Reading Old Norse |
ENGL4264 |
Module |
Reading the Early Modern Body |
ENGL4393 |
Module |
Reformation and Revolution: Early Modern literature and drama 1588-1688 |
ENGL3072 |
Module |
Religion and Fantasy Literature |
ENGL4394 |
Module |
Research Methodologies for Health Care Communication |
ENGL4213 |
Module |
Research Methods for Professional Communication |
ENGL4226 |
Module |
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4066 |
Module |
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4236 |
Module |
Research Methods in Viking and Early Medieval English Studies |
ENGL4265 |
Module |
Research Methods: Corpus Linguistics |
ENGL4140 |
Module |
Research Methods: Corpus Linguistics (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4159 |
Module |
Research Methods: Corpus Linguistics (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4211 |
Module |
Riotous Performance: Drama, Disruption and Protest |
ENGL4222 |
Module |
Romantic Poetry |
ENGL4395 |
Module |
Runes and Runic Inscriptions |
ENGL4396 |
Module |
Sagas of Icelanders |
ENGL4397 |
Module |
Saints and Heroes in Old English Poetry |
ENGL4398 |
Module |
Science Fiction |
ENGL4399 |
Module |
Second Language Acquisition |
ENGL4069 |
Module |
Shakespeare and Contemporaries on the Page |
ENGL2006 |
Module |
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries on the Stage |
ENGL2018 |
Module |
Shakespeare and Text |
ENGL4400 |
Module |
Shakespeare's Histories: Critical Approaches |
ENGL1012 |
Module |
Shakespeare, Space and Place (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4238 |
Module |
Shakespeare: Text, Stage and Screen |
ENGL4219 |
Module |
Single Author Study |
ENGL3067 |
Module |
Sociolinguistics of Work |
ENGL4095 |
Module |
Songs and Sonnets: Lyric poetry from Medieval Manuscript to Shakespeare and Donne |
ENGL3046 |
Module |
Southeast Asian Literature |
ENGL4401 |
Module |
Speculative Fictions |
ENGL4149 |
Module |
Speculative Fictions |
ENGL4402 |
Module |
Studying Language |
ENGL1002 |
Module |
Studying Literature |
ENGL1007 |
Module |
Surnames and Identities |
ENGL4403 |
Module |
Syllabus Design and Methodology 1 (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4207 |
Module |
Syllabus Design and Methodology 2 (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4051 |
Module |
Syllabus Design and Methodology 2 (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4208 |
Module |
Systemic Functional Linguistics |
ENGL4404 |
Module |
Talk at Work |
ENGL4405 |
Module |
Teaching and Assessing Second Language Skills |
ENGL4406 |
Module |
Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
ENGL3012 |
Module |
Text World Theory |
ENGL4407 |
Module |
Texts Across Time |
ENGL2027 |
Module |
Texts in a Digital World |
ENGL4408 |
Module |
Textual Editing |
ENGL4409 |
Module |
Textualities: Defining, making and using text |
ENGL4152 |
Module |
The Gothic |
ENGL4124 |
Module |
The Gothic (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4240 |
Module |
The Gothic Tradition |
ENGL3068 |
Module |
The History of the Book: 1200-1600 (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4235 |
Module |
The Language of Compliance (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4216 |
Module |
The Language of Compliance (DL - 30 Credits) |
ENGL4064 |
Module |
The Language of Dystopia |
ENGL4410 |
Module |
The Language of Multimodal Literature |
ENGL4411 |
Module |
The Language of Surrealism |
ENGL4412 |
Module |
The Languages of English Place-Names |
ENGL4413 |
Module |
The Lyric and its Language in Middle English |
ENGL4414 |
Module |
The Modernist Short Story |
ENGL4415 |
Module |
The Old English Elegies |
ENGL4416 |
Module |
The Psychology of Bilingualism and Language Learning |
ENGL2021 |
Module |
The Queens of Crime Fiction |
ENGL4417 |
Module |
The Reader in Stylistics |
ENGL4418 |
Module |
The Reading Public in the Romantic Period |
ENGL4419 |
Module |
The Self and the World: Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century |
ENGL3059 |
Module |
The Viking Mind |
ENGL3070 |
Module |
The Viking World |
ENGL1009 |
Module |
Theatre Making |
ENGL3005 |
Module |
Twentieth-Century Plays |
ENGL2019 |
Module |
Understanding Performance |
ENGL4420 |
Module |
Vampire |
ENGL4421 |
Module |
Victorian and Fin de Siecle Literature: 1830-1910 |
ENGL2009 |
Module |
Vikings in the East Midlands |
ENGL4422 |
Module |
Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning (DL - 15 Credits) |
ENGL4047 |
Module |
Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning (DL - 20 Credits) |
ENGL4252 |
Module |
What is Literature? |
ENGL4058 |
Module |
What is Literature? |
ENGL4212 |
Module |
Women Poets of the English Civil War |
ENGL4423 |
Module |
Words and Multiword Units |
ENGL4424 |
Module |
World Literatures from Theory to Text |
ENGL4425 |
Module |
World Utopia in the Early 20th Century |
ENGL4426 |
Module |
Writing and Place |
ENGL1011 |
Module |
Writing Fiction |
ENGL4427 |
Module |
Writing Poetry |
ENGL4428 |
Module |
Writing Specialist Fiction |
ENGL4429 |
Module |
Writing Workshop: Fiction |
ENGL4144 |
Module |
Writing Workshop: Poetry |
ENGL4145 |
Module |