Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Consciousness in Fiction ENGL4033 Module
Academic Community ENGL1008 Module
Advanced Stylistics ENGL3069 Module
Advanced Writing Practice ENGL3040 Module
Advanced Writing Practice: Fiction ENGL3099 Module
Advanced Writing Practice: Poetry ENGL3098 Module
Alexander Pope and Eighteenth-Century Contexts ENGL4336 Module
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 1 ENGL4312 Module
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 2 ENGL4313 Module
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 20c ENGL4314 Module
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 3 ENGL4315 Module
Applied English Assessment Portfolio 40 credits ENGL4360 Module
Applied English Portfolio 1 ENGL4305 Module
Applied English Portfolio 2 ENGL4306 Module
Applied English Portfolio 20c ENGL4308 Module
Applied English Portfolio 3 ENGL4307 Module
Applied English Portfolio 40c ENGL4309 Module
Approaches to Literary Studies ENGL4317 Module
Approaches to Text (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4232 Module
Approaches to Text (DL - 30 Credits) ENGL4092 Module
Approaches to Victorian Literature ENGL4318 Module
Beginnings of English ENGL1006 Module
Business and Organisational Communication ENGL4097 Module
Calls, Speech, Writing, and Sign Language ENGL4319 Module
Changing Stages: Theatre Industry and Theatre Art ENGL3100 Module
Character ENGL4320 Module
Chaucer and his Contemporaries, c.1380-c.1420 ENGL2011 Module
Cognition and Literature ENGL4025 Module
Cognition and Literature (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4054 Module
Cognition and Literature (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4210 Module
Cognitive Narratology ENGL4335 Module
Cognitive Poetics ENGL4334 Module
Comics and Graphic Novels ENGL4333 Module
Communication and Entrepreneurship Research Project ENGL4096 Module
Consciousness in Literature ENGL4332 Module
Contemporary British Fiction ENGL3065 Module
Contemporary Creative-Critical Writing ENGL4331 Module
Contemporary Fairy Tale Literature ENGL4330 Module
Contextualising Old English ENGL4266 Module
Contextualising Old Norse ENGL4267 Module
Core Concepts in Linguistics ENGL4329 Module
Core Concepts in Professional Communication ENGL4328 Module
Core Concepts in SLA ENGL4327 Module
Core Concepts in Vocabulary Studies ENGL4326 Module
Corpus Linguistics ENGL4325 Module
Corpus Linguistics ENGL4158 Module
Corpus Stylistics ENGL4324 Module
Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis ENGL4323 Module
Correspondence in the Long 19th Century ENGL4322 Module
Creative Writing Dissertation ENGL3058 Module
Creative Writing Practice ENGL1010 Module
Creative Writing: Conventions and Techniques ENGL4147 Module
Culture and Communication ENGL4321 Module
D H Lawrence and Modernism ENGL4117 Module
Data Analysis Using R ENGL4364 Module
Data Visualisation Using R ENGL4363 Module
Death and Dying in Late Medieval Literature ENGL4362 Module
Descriptive Linguistic Analysis (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4246 Module
Descriptive Linguistic Analysis (DL - 30 Credits) ENGL4039 Module
Dialect in Literature ENGL4361 Module
Digital Communication in the Professions ENGL4223 Module
Digital Professional Communication ENGL4316 Module
Digital Storytelling ENGL4359 Module
Discourse Analysis ENGL4358 Module
Discourse Analysis (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4251 Module
Discourse and Power: Health and Business Communication ENGL3095 Module
Dissertation ENGL4031 Module
Dissertation ENGL4067 Module
Dissertation for MA In Social Science Research (Applied Linguistics) ENGL4168 Module
Dissertation in Creative Writing ENGL4111 Module
Dissertation in Health Care Communication ENGL4065 Module
Drama, Theatre, Performance ENGL1001 Module
Dramatic Discourse ENGL4160 Module
Dreaming the Middle Ages: Visionary Poetry in Scotland and England ENGL3047 Module
Early Medieval Women and Literature ENGL4357 Module
Ecocriticism ENGL4356 Module
ELT Methodology ENGL4355 Module
English Dissertation: Full year ENGL3002 Module
English Dissertation: Spring Semester only ENGL3029 Module
English Field-Names ENGL4354 Module
English Medium Instruction ENGL4353 Module
English Place-Names ENGL3013 Module
English Place-Names: Language, Landscape, History (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4244 Module
English Place-Names: Language, Landscape, History (DL - 30 Credits) ENGL4200 Module
Ethical Criticism ENGL4352 Module
Experimental Design and Practice ENGL4351 Module
Factors in SLA ENGL4350 Module
Feminist Stylistics ENGL4349 Module
Fiction: Forms and Conventions ENGL2024 Module
Fictional Naming ENGL4348 Module
Forensic Linguistics ENGL4347 Module
From Englisc to Inglish: History of the English Language (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4233 Module
From Stanislavski to Contemporary Performance: practice and theory ENGL2020 Module
From Talking Horses to Romantic Revolutionaries: Literature 1700-1830 ENGL2007 Module
Gothic Literature ENGL4346 Module
Group Dynamics and Motivation in the Language Classroom ENGL4073 Module
Health Care Documentation (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4215 Module
Health Care Narratives (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4214 Module
Healthcare Narratives ENGL4345 Module
Hexapod ENGL4344 Module
Historical Pragmatics ENGL4343 Module
History of English ENGL4342 Module
Homer in Modern and Contemporary Literature ENGL4341 Module
Ice and Fire: Myths and Heroes of the North ENGL2002 Module
Indian Literature of the Twentieth Century ENGL4340 Module
Intercultural Business Communication ENGL4228 Module
Intercultural Communication ENGL4094 Module
Intercultural Communication (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4137 Module
Intercultural Communication (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4241 Module
Intercultural Competence in Context ENGL4339 Module
Interlanguage Pragmatics ENGL4338 Module
Investigating Given Names ENGL4337 Module
Investigating Health Communication (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4237 Module
Island and Empire ENGL3097 Module
Language and Feminism ENGL3094 Module
Language and Gender ENGL4206 Module
Language and Gender in Professional Communication ENGL4365 Module
Language and the Mind ENGL3051 Module
Language Development ENGL2016 Module
Language in Society ENGL2026 Module
Language Teaching: Speaking and Listening ENGL4142 Module
Language, Gender and Professional Communication ENGL4225 Module
Language, Gender and Sexuality ENGL4018 Module
Language, Health, and Illness ENGL4366 Module
Leadership Communication ENGL4367 Module
Leadership Communication ENGL4227 Module
Learning and Teaching Second Language Vocabulary ENGL4368 Module
Learning to Publish: Contemporary Forms & Practices ENGL4271 Module
Learning to Read: Criticism for Creative Writers ENGL4221 Module
Literary Constructions of Madness ENGL4369 Module
Literary Geographies (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4114 Module
Literary Geographies (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4234 Module
Literary Histories ENGL4150 Module
Literary Linguistics ENGL2017 Module
Literary Linguistics ENGL4370 Module
Literary Linguistics (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4247 Module
Literary Linguistics 2 (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4248 Module
Literature and Popular Culture ENGL2010 Module
Literature in Britain Since 1950 ENGL4030 Module
Making Something Happen: Poetry and Politics ENGL3066 Module
Media and Political Discourse ENGL4371 Module
Medieval Geographies ENGL4372 Module
Metamodernism and Contemporary British Fiction ENGL4373 Module
Metaphor ENGL4374 Module
Middle English Romance (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4245 Module
Modern and Contemporary Literature ENGL2008 Module
Modern Irish Drama and Literature ENGL3101 Module
Modernism and D. H. Lawrence ENGL4375 Module
Modernism and the Avant-Garde in Literature and Drama ENGL4155 Module
Motivation and Language Learning ENGL4376 Module
MRes Dissertation in Medieval Languages and Literatures ENGL4310 Module
Mysteries and Morality on the Medieval Stage ENGL4377 Module
Names and Identities ENGL2012 Module
Names and Language Change ENGL4378 Module
Narratology ENGL4379 Module
Narratology (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4209 Module
Old English Language ENGL4380 Module
Old English Literature ENGL4381 Module
Old English Texts 1 (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4239 Module
Old English: Reflection and Lament ENGL2013 Module
Old Norse Language ENGL4382 Module
Old Norse Mythology ENGL4383 Module
One and Unequal: World Literature and English ENGL3103 Module
Oscar Wilde and Henry James: British Aestheticism and Commodity Culture ENGL3034 Module
Oscar Wilde and West End Theatre ENGL4384 Module
Performance: Contexts and Frameworks (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4138 Module
Performance: Contexts and Frameworks (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4242 Module
Performing Space and Place ENGL4385 Module
Performing the Nation: British Theatre since 1980 ENGL3063 Module
Place, Region, Empire ENGL4151 Module
Place-Names and the English Landscape ENGL4386 Module
Place-Names in Context: Language, landscape and history ENGL4268 Module
Poetry: Best Words, Best Order ENGL4262 Module
Poetry: Forms and Conventions ENGL2023 Module
Practice and Practitioners ENGL4220 Module
Processing Sentences and Discourse ENGL4387 Module
Processing Sounds and Meaning ENGL4388 Module
Professional Communication at Work ENGL4224 Module
Professional Communication in the Globalised World ENGL4389 Module
Project-Based Dissertation ENGL3045 Module
Psycholinguistics 1 (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4230 Module
Psychology of Language ENGL4036 Module
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Applied Linguistics ENGL4075 Module
Quantitative Research Methods In Applied Linguistics ENGL4390 Module
Queer Linguistics ENGL4391 Module
Reading and Editing the Medieval Text ENGL4392 Module
Reading Old English ENGL4263 Module
Reading Old Norse ENGL4264 Module
Reading the Early Modern Body ENGL4393 Module
Reformation and Revolution: Early Modern literature and drama 1588-1688 ENGL3072 Module
Religion and Fantasy Literature ENGL4394 Module
Research Methodologies for Health Care Communication ENGL4213 Module
Research Methods for Professional Communication ENGL4226 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4066 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4236 Module
Research Methods in Viking and Early Medieval English Studies ENGL4265 Module
Research Methods: Corpus Linguistics ENGL4140 Module
Research Methods: Corpus Linguistics (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4159 Module
Research Methods: Corpus Linguistics (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4211 Module
Riotous Performance: Drama, Disruption and Protest ENGL4222 Module
Romantic Poetry ENGL4395 Module
Runes and Runic Inscriptions ENGL4396 Module
Sagas of Icelanders ENGL4397 Module
Saints and Heroes in Old English Poetry ENGL4398 Module
Science Fiction ENGL4399 Module
Second Language Acquisition ENGL4069 Module
Shakespeare and Contemporaries on the Page ENGL2006 Module
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries on the Stage ENGL2018 Module
Shakespeare and Text ENGL4400 Module
Shakespeare's Histories: Critical Approaches ENGL1012 Module
Shakespeare, Space and Place (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4238 Module
Shakespeare: Text, Stage and Screen ENGL4219 Module
Single Author Study ENGL3067 Module
Sociolinguistics of Work ENGL4095 Module
Songs and Sonnets: Lyric poetry from Medieval Manuscript to Shakespeare and Donne ENGL3046 Module
Southeast Asian Literature ENGL4401 Module
Speculative Fictions ENGL4149 Module
Speculative Fictions ENGL4402 Module
Studying Language ENGL1002 Module
Studying Literature ENGL1007 Module
Surnames and Identities ENGL4403 Module
Syllabus Design and Methodology 1 (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4207 Module
Syllabus Design and Methodology 2 (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4051 Module
Syllabus Design and Methodology 2 (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4208 Module
Systemic Functional Linguistics ENGL4404 Module
Talk at Work ENGL4405 Module
Teaching and Assessing Second Language Skills ENGL4406 Module
Teaching English as a Foreign Language ENGL3012 Module
Text World Theory ENGL4407 Module
Texts Across Time ENGL2027 Module
Texts in a Digital World ENGL4408 Module
Textual Editing ENGL4409 Module
Textualities: Defining, making and using text ENGL4152 Module
The Gothic ENGL4124 Module
The Gothic (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4240 Module
The Gothic Tradition ENGL3068 Module
The History of the Book: 1200-1600 (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4235 Module
The Language of Compliance (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4216 Module
The Language of Compliance (DL - 30 Credits) ENGL4064 Module
The Language of Dystopia ENGL4410 Module
The Language of Multimodal Literature ENGL4411 Module
The Language of Surrealism ENGL4412 Module
The Languages of English Place-Names ENGL4413 Module
The Lyric and its Language in Middle English ENGL4414 Module
The Modernist Short Story ENGL4415 Module
The Old English Elegies ENGL4416 Module
The Psychology of Bilingualism and Language Learning ENGL2021 Module
The Queens of Crime Fiction ENGL4417 Module
The Reader in Stylistics ENGL4418 Module
The Reading Public in the Romantic Period ENGL4419 Module
The Self and the World: Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century ENGL3059 Module
The Viking Mind ENGL3070 Module
The Viking World ENGL1009 Module
Theatre Making ENGL3005 Module
Twentieth-Century Plays ENGL2019 Module
Understanding Performance ENGL4420 Module
Vampire ENGL4421 Module
Victorian and Fin de Siecle Literature: 1830-1910 ENGL2009 Module
Vikings in the East Midlands ENGL4422 Module
Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning (DL - 15 Credits) ENGL4047 Module
Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning (DL - 20 Credits) ENGL4252 Module
What is Literature? ENGL4058 Module
What is Literature? ENGL4212 Module
Women Poets of the English Civil War ENGL4423 Module
Words and Multiword Units ENGL4424 Module
World Literatures from Theory to Text ENGL4425 Module
World Utopia in the Early 20th Century ENGL4426 Module
Writing and Place ENGL1011 Module
Writing Fiction ENGL4427 Module
Writing Poetry ENGL4428 Module
Writing Specialist Fiction ENGL4429 Module
Writing Workshop: Fiction ENGL4144 Module
Writing Workshop: Poetry ENGL4145 Module

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